Getting rid of ground wasps can be tricky. Ground wasp nests can be difficult to find, and if you accidentally disturb one, you may end up getting stung multiple times. In order to get rid of a ground nest, you first need to locate the nest and come up with a well-thought-out treatment plan. Wasps, particularly yellow jackets, can be very aggressive. In order to get rid of ground wasps without you or a loved one getting stung, leave removal up to a pest expert.
When you think of a wasp nest, you probably imagine a paper-like nest hanging from a tree or attached to a porch eave. However, if you have ever stumbled upon a swarm of yellow jackets, then you know certain types of wasps build nests in the ground. While ground wasps prefer to build wasps in well-protected areas away from foot traffic, it is common to disturb a nest when landscaping or gardening.
If you notice wasp activity in your yard or around your house, but can’t locate a hanging nest, try looking for cone-shaped dirt piles with a large hole located at its center. In addition to the ground, ground wasps commonly build nests in shrubs, mulch, and rotten wood. In order to keep from getting stung, we suggest setting out food wasps like, such as fruit, and watching where they fly to from the food.
There are many different types of ground wasps. As a result, not all ground wasps look the same, or even behave the same. Some are harmless, like the ground digger, or cicada killer, wasp. While others, like the yellow jacket, are aggressive. Given the sheer number of species, it is easier to break up ground wasps into two categories - social and solitary.
Social wasps build nests that are populated by queens, male adults, and developing wasps. These nests can host over 500 wasps and are defended aggressively. A well-known social ground wasp is the yellow jacket. Meanwhile, solitary wasps build a nest for themselves and their offspring. Because there is only one female occupying the nest, hunting for prey, and taking care of her young, solitary ground wasps aren’t as combative as their social counterparts.
When it comes to removing a wasp nest, it is best to leave it to the experts to handle. What may seem like a relatively easy job can quickly turn into a painful, and potentially dangerous, situation. When you use Aptive Environmental, an experienced service professional will conduct a thorough inspection of your property and determine the best way to eliminate the ground nest. That way, you don’t have to worry about getting stung by a swarm of wasps multiple times. Our professionals will also provide you with do-it-yourself control options to help prevent wasps from returning and re-establishing nests.
Aptive’s dedication to customer service distinguishes us from our competitors. If you have a pest problem that needs controlling, call Aptive Environmental today.