Stinging and Biting Insects

Due to their painful feeding habits or defense mechanisms, stinging and biting insects can be very unpleasant infestations to deal with. Some species can even transfer deadly diseases! With these potential dangers, immediate pest control is important. Aptive’s team of experienced pest professionals will exterminate every last bug. Our treatment ensures you won’t have to worry about them again – if the bugs we get rid of come back, we will too (at no additional cost)!

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Identifying Bites and Stings

With so many types of sting and biting insects, it can be hard to identify unknown bites. To help, we’ve listed a few characteristics of common stinging and biting insects below.

About Stinging and Biting Insects

stingers & biters
  • Bee Stings
  • Fleas
  • Ticks
  • Why Do Insects Sting & Bite?

    There are various reasons that stinging and biting insects exist. For one, many biting insects need to feed on human (or pet) blood to survive. These include mosquitos, bed bugs, ticks, fleas, kissing bugs, lice, and others.

  • Why Do Insects Sting & Bite? (Part 2)

    Many other stinging and biting insects simply use it as their defense mechanism when they are threatened, as well as a method of hunting prey. For example, wasps fiercely defend their nest by stinging when someone gets too close.

  • Signs of Infestation

    There are a few signs that could raise the red flag of an infestation. The most obvious sign is to see them around your home. Another sign is bug bites emerging on your body – if they occur frequently, you could have an infestation on your hands.

  • Signs of Infestation (Part 2)

    For example, bed bugs live near your bed and leave clusters of bites while you’re sleeping. These will show up on exposed areas. However, one bug bite every once in a while might not be a sign of infestation – you could have a stray mosquito in your home.

  • Since bee stings are more painful than most biting insects, you will immediately recognize when you’ve been stung by a bee. This species of stinging insects detaches the stinger, leaving it in your skin. Victims often have to pull it out before treating the sting. Then, you will develop a red bump surrounded by white skin. If these insects are nesting near high-traffic areas of the home, you might require bee control to avoid further stings to you and your family.

  • Keep a close eye on your furry friends with this pest. Unlike their burrowing friends, ticks, fleas are in it for the long haul, looking to find a suitable host to cling to for the rest of their lives, eating, laying eggs, and sleeping. Often found on pets, fleas can lay up to 50 eggs at one time.

  • Among the most common and infuriating biters are ticks. Found on both pets and people, ticks are often picked up while spending time outdoors hiking or camping. Ticks often move from host to host, looking for the perfect next meal and next mate. Warmer months can bring about more ticks.

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Bite or Sting Side Effects

Side effects from stinging and biting insects can vary depending on the species. Some will have no significant side effects, while others can cause issues like swelling, nausea, vomiting, trouble breathing, dizziness, abdominal pain, and more. The real danger happens when an insect transfers a deadly disease to you. In addition, you could have severe reactions if you’re allergic to a bug bite or sting.

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Preventing Infestations

Stinging and biting insects can become a big problem for your family, especially if someone is allergic or the insect can transfer diseases. It’s a great idea to take preventative measures against potential infestations – one way to do this is by blocking any easily accessible entry points. Perform a detailed scan of your home to search for any holes, cracks, tears in screens, and other potential ways the bugs could be getting inside. A pest professional can help with hard-to-find areas as well.

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